Finally experience the pride of An Overflowing Bank Account, awestruck high-paying clients, prospects lining up to buy from you, and a grateful family...

For Coaches & Agency Owners Looking to GET TO 100K/M FASTER...

MS in Strategic Thinking for the AI Age: Double-Degree, Real Projects

Gain a world-class accreditation with real-world projects, expert mentorship, and accelerated learning in just three semesters.


NOVEMBER 7 - 10, 2022

1:00pm - 3:00pm EST


You’re Just 3 Shifts Away From $100k Months and Real Freedom in Your Online Business.


Finally experience the pride of An Overflowing Bank Account, awestruck high-paying clients, prospects lining up to buy from you, and a grateful family...

For Coaches & Agency Owners Looking to GET TO 100K/M FASTER...

Finally experience the pride of An Overflowing Bank Account, awestruck high-paying clients, prospects lining up to buy from you, and a grateful family...

For Coaches & Agency Owners Looking to GET TO 100K/M FASTER...


Finally experience the pride of An Overflowing Bank Account, awestruck high-paying clients, prospects lining up to buy from you, and a grateful family...

...Ultimate Freedom For less than the price of 3 chipotle burritos


Hi, my name is...

Hi, my name is...


I'm the founder of Bulletproof Entrepreneur. We help business owners get unstuck and become unstoppable.
In the last 4 years, I've built two multiple 7-figure businesses, sold one of them in 2019, made over $4 Million and I've worked with over 1,000 entrepreneurs on their business, mindset & finances.
But my journey probably started like yours...

Until 2017, I was terrified to look at my bank account...

I used to be the world's #1 "wantrepreneur". 
I had spent thousands on coaches, courses & masterminds on "how to build a business" in pursuit of time freedom & financial freedom... 
...and I had exactly nothing to show for it.

I was like most people...

  • I was on the income roller coaster

  • ​I was unsure how to structure anything

  • ​I was always disappointed with how much was in my account, despite working 50-60 hours per week

  • ​I was hoping that things would improve

  • ​I had a tough time paying for the things

  • ​I was in debt up to my eyeballs

  • ​I was disorganized, had no tracking

  • ​I didn't have a financial system

  • ​I was afraid to admit it

I was "feeling" my way through my business & finances...

And I hated the way I felt.
Something needed to change if I was ever going to hit my big goals.
In July, 2017, when my credit cards were maxed out at 20,000 and I could barely make the minimum payment, I frantically began searching for solutions.
I began feverishly reading books and watching youtube videos looking for answers. 
In my search, one quote jumped out and slapped me like Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars:

"Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone."

- Robert Kiyosaki

Story of my life. My money was "gone".
I stared at myself in the mirror and realized...

After 8 years of doing money "my way"...  I had to admit a hard truth... I didn't know what I was doing.

I had had enough of living this way... stressed, afraid, hoping, wishing... screw that.
I decided right then and there to commit myself to mastering my business and finances.

I was going to study and implement everything I could about how to build real wealth.
And, according to Robert Kiyosaki... The first step was to start by tracking my finances. 
So I did.
But nothing seemed to change for 10 months...

I kept educating myself...

I kept studying marketing, sales, operations, systems, money, income, credit, investing, economics and business...

Over time, I kept learning and implementing exactly what the top 1% are doing that the bottom 99% are not. 
Fast forward to today...


I made over $3.6 Million in just under 4 years.

I made over 4 Million in just under 4 years.

I don't say that to brag...
But I share that with you to show you that true freedom is possible if you just follow the right steps and have the right guidance...


This is a proven system that I designed specifically for the rapidly changing financial landscape of a coaching or agency business owner...

...As a result of 10 years of painful trial & error and 500k+ invested in books, courses, masterminds & seminars.

After implementing this system... I've been able to do some cool stuff, like:

  • Buy my dream car

  • ​Fly first class & occasionally private

  • ​Take exotic trips

  • ​Allow my wife to quit her job

  • ​Invest in more knowledge

  • ​Treat my family, friends & team to awesome experiences

  • ​Feel confident and in control of my financial game

And while all of those "high-end luxuries" would normally crush any dreams of "saving & wealth building"...

I've been able to do all of that AND grow a multi-million dollar net worth at the same time.

It's absolutely crazy how much your life can change once you increase your financial intelligence even just a little bit!
And, with this course, you can do it too. I guarantee it.

It's not as hard as you think.

There are just a few small tweaks you need to make and things will begin to accelerate quickly...
It's just math.
(and I used to hate math)
...but after I learned just a few key things, I started to like love it!

And I'm going to make it so stupid simple for you...


So, if you want to finally make a quantum leap in your business, cash flow & net worth...

You're in the right place.

I'm going to pull up the curtain - full transparency - and share with you exactly what to do to build a multimillion dollar net worth with your Coaching or Agency Business...
And where pretty much everyone is screwing up...
Even if you're starting from scratch.
But don't just take my word for it...

You can hear from a few more of my 500+ clients at the bottom of this page.

Keep reading if you:

  • Are a Coach, Consultant, Agency Owner or Service Provider

  • ​Are on the income roller coaster

  • ​Are not confident about your numbers or finances

  • ​Can't seem to keep the money you make

  • ​Don't know where to start or what to do next

  • Are overwhelmed by all the financial information out there

  • ​Don't have a tracking system set up

  • ​Are deciding what to focus on next in your business by how you feel or what you're interested in, rather than the data

  • ​Don't make money while you sleep

If you're experiencing ANY of that...

leaving this page could be the worst financial decision you'll ever make...

I'm here to help you avoid that, and 84 other common financial mistakes.
I've taken my entire financial journey (so far)...
My process, my tracking, my systems, my structures...
What worked and what didn't...
Documented it, and neatly organized it into a step by step blueprint that I recently took my top 30 clients through during a 3-day live event.
And now I've packaged it up and I'm giving it to you.

This program could very well be the difference between the life and death of your business & financial future...



My name is John Whiting and in the past 4 years I’ve built two multi-7-figure businesses - one marketing agency and one coaching company. So I've learned a thing or two about building a successful business.

Since 2018, I've made over 4 Million - and have worked with over 1,000 coaches, consultants & agency owners to help them scale to 10k, 50k, 100k, even 1M a month and beyond. You can scroll through hundreds of testimonials at the bottom of this page… 

But that's just the highlight reel of my success...

What most people didn't see is the life I lived for a very long time with constant self-sabotage... Waking up every day overwhelmed and depressed pretending I had everything under control and white-knuckling through life… 

When in reality, I was constantly attacked by waves of anxiety filled with thoughts of 'ending' everything or being found out that I was a fake or a phony.

Master of Science in Strategic Thinking

Apply Now to Get a World Class Degree:

Comprehensive Curriculum:

Learn critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, systemic thinking, and socio-emotional intelligence through coursework, dedicated mentorship and live online sessions.

Double Degree:

Earn a Master of Science degree from the Catholic University of New Spain and certification as a licensed expert from the Buzan Academy, adding significant value to your credentials.

Proprietary Methodologies:

Master mind mapping, root cause systemic mapping, knowledge and skills management, systemic innovation, socio-emotional intelligence, and digital transformation.

Real-World Projects:

Complete three practical projects (one per semester) that can be applied directly to your clients or organization, ensuring you gain hands-on experience without the need for exams or a thesis.

Expert Mentorship:

Receive guidance and feedback from an expert mentor throughout your learning journey, helping you not only learn but also practice and build lifetime habits.

Return on your investment:

As a licensed Buzan Expert, you can offer consultation and coaching services, monetizing your new skills and leveraging the Buzan brand for your professional growth.

Accelerated Learning:

Complete the program, including graduation, within three semesters, allowing you to quickly advance your career and start applying your new skills.

In just three semesters, you'll complete real-world projects using cutting-edge methodologies and techniques, positioning yourself to excel in today's rapidly changing world.

Transform your career, gain a competitive edge, and become a licensed Buzan Expert, ready to tackle the future with confidence and agility.

What our students are saying about us...

This Master's degree has been a game-changer for me. The skills and methods I learned are practical and powerful. This program truly equipped me for the the AI world.

Sandra Schlamme

We need to be happier, more collaborative, and more proactive. It's crucial to develop skills that set us apart from AI. The MS in Strategic Thinking has been the perfect answer for me.

Vam Askari

We need modern solutions to outdated education. This degree is the real thing. It combines unique soft and hard skills. These skills have boosted my business ROI and helped me grow personally.

Gregory D. Aiken

This degree is for you if ...

You are struggling to Adapt in a Rapidly Changing Job Market:

Many professionals feel overwhelmed by the pace of technological change and automation, fearing their current skills will become obsolete.

You want to excel in your of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

In an era where information is abundant but wisdom is scarce, the ability to think critically and solve complex problems is increasingly rare and valuable.

You Have Difficulty in Making Strategic Decisions:

As the business landscape becomes more complex, professionals often lack the strategic thinking skills necessary to make informed and impactful decisions.

Still not sure about this? Watch below

Ready to elevate your career with our MS in Strategic Thinking? learn how this prestigious double degree can prepare you for leadership in the AI and automation era.

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AUGUST 10, 2022

2:00 PM EST